ditching diet culture

I'm all for women

Did you know that 92% of people who go on diets regain all the weight in six months? 

 'Quick fix' diet culture has left women overwhelmed and confused. Restriction, starvation, and deprivation can bring about rapid changes, but this isn't sustainable and won't create long-term results. People think they need to be extreme to reach their body goals, but I have a different approach and it starts with your mind, not your mouth. 

Modern nutrition focuses heavily on food but doesn't consider the entire individual. Mindset, emotions, and your lifelong relationship with food all affect how you eat, why you eat, and what keeps you from your goals.

My approach to gentle nutrition takes you back to the basics and simplifies food for you. I help you implement small lifestyle changes, sustainable habits, and new routines that promise slow and steady transformation with lifelong results. 

I believe that small hinges swing big doors and that the secret to your success lies in your daily routine. In a world where everyone wants instant results and quits if they don't get them, be the person who's here for the long haul—commit to a lifestyle of getting 1% better every day and enjoying the process as you go.

I'm Jenna!

I'm a Certified Health and Life Coach, and it's my goal to help you redefine your relationship with food. 

On the outside, my life looked like a fairy tale. An incredible marriage with two beautiful children, living in a dreamy resort mountain town—I looked like the 'perfect' mom and wife with the 'perfect' life. 

But on the inside, things told a different story. My mind was a hurricane. I was falling apart, suffering from severe anxiety, exhaustion and resentment. A deep sadness grew inside me—the pressure of perfection and the weight of mom guilt sat heavily on my heart. 

Then one day, a complete and total breakdown changed my life. 

A severe panic attack sent me straight to the hospital, and for the first time, I was forced to reassess and reevaluate my life. My breaking point became my breakthrough. 

this is my story.

I promised myself that I'd put my health above everything else. I hired a life coach, and he helped me discover my purpose: the meal plans I'd make for friends, the recipes I'd share online, and my passion for food and wellness were all subtle cues and hints that health and nutrition were my calling.

I went back to school to study nutrition and life coaching. I put everything I learned into practice; I made transformational mindset shifts and built habits and routines that had a profound effect on my life. I discovered that health isn't just the food you eat; it's also the mindset you keep. 

One day, I realized that the chaos inside me had vanished. I had found calm, peace, and balance. I'd figured out a system and discovered that…

Yes, you can be a mom AND have self-care. Not one or the other. 


I'm on a mission to help other moms reclaim their power and embody their true selves. If you're on a journey to heal your emotional relationship with food and build lasting health habits that truly make a difference, I'm here to support you.

I've taken all the lessons I've learned—from books I studied and from dark nights I survived—and packaged all my knowledge to share with you. 

"Nourishment is not only the food we eat but the mind we keep.”

Jenna Leanne

My job as your coach is to:

Support and cheer you on, stretch you out of your comfort zone, and challenge you to get curious and question how you currently approach different areas of your life.

Help you unlock your potential so that you are empowered to create absolutely anything you desire in this life.

Inspire you to step into full alignment in every area of your life with who you want to be. 

Work with me

Healthy living, your way