The 90 Day Total Transformation

Transform your body, mind, and spirit from the inside out!

As a mom, you have a lot on your plate.

You’re juggling your work, your family, and the last person you show up for…is you. When you’re rushing from task to task, never taking a second to pause as the next activity grabs hold of your attention, the last thing you're thinking about is your health.

Does this sound familiar?

You crawl home at the end of another busy day, and the thought of chopping vegetables or preparing something healthy makes you miserable, so you reach for a microwave meal or call a DoorDash delivery 

Your energy is low, so you fill up on sugar or carbs to get through the day, all while that once-fresh bag of spinach slowly shrivels in your fridge

You’ve tried over and over again to lose weight, but you fall off your eating plan and gain everything you lost… and more 
You're so permanently exhausted that even thinking about what to eat or which groceries to buy, makes you feel paralyzed with decision fatigue, adding even more stress to plate

You've read the books, saved the recipes, printed meal plans, and listened to the gurus, but you're so confused by all the information swirling around in your brain that you still don't know how to nourish your body 

You feel like self care is a luxury, something you don’t have time for

This doesn't need to be your reality. You’re worth so much more. 

Does this sound familiar?

You crawl home at the end of another busy day, and the thought of chopping vegetables or preparing something healthy makes you miserable, so you reach for a microwave meal or call a DoorDash delivery 

Your energy is low, so you fill up on sugar or carbs to get through the day, all while that once-fresh bag of spinach slowly shrivels in your fridge

You’ve tried over and over again to lose weight, but you fall off your eating plan and gain everything you lost… and more 
You're so permanently exhausted that even thinking about what to eat or which groceries to buy, makes you feel paralyzed with decision fatigue, adding even more stress to plate

You've read the books, saved the recipes, printed meal plans, and listened to the gurus, but you're so confused by all the information swirling around in your brain that you still don't know how to nourish your body 

You feel like self care is a luxury, something you don’t have time for

This doesn't need to be your reality. You’re worth so much more. 

You deserve to feel good.

what I know:

Dream with me for a moment... 

You knew exactly what to eat, when to eat, and could prepare healthy meals every day

You knew exactly which foods gave you energy and which depleted you

You could go through life recognizing stress and dealing with it in a healthy way, not feeling powerless 

What would your life look like if:

You ditched diet culture altogether, threw everything you've ever been told out the window, and instead adopted a system that was created for you (and ONLY you)

You had someone to walk with through this journey, someone to talk with openly, someone to share your worries with and lighten the load as you made different life choices and set new patterns for yourself

Somewhere along the line, food and eating got really complicated, but I’m here to tell you that it can be simple; All you need is someone to help you figure it out.


The 90-Day Total Transformation Program

 A private, 1:1 12-week guided journey to help you ditch diet culture and create a simple, lasting nutrition system that frees up your time and brings you freedom. 


Create Conditions for Your Inevitable Success

When you have conditions for inevitable success, follow-through becomes easy and you can avoid falling back into old patterns. We start at the beginning, unpacking your preconditioned beliefs about food, nutrition, time, and how you should approach your daily activities. We’ll look at how to make you a priority within the context of your busy lifestyle. We'll uncover why you eat, what you eat, and who you are when you eat—revealing unconscious patterns around your relationship to food and reprogramming any beliefs that no longer serve you. We'll take the necessary steps to transform your mindset so that you can learn to be present with yourself and your family.

what we'll cover


What To Eat For Your Unique Body Type

Next, we’ll dive deep into all things food, beginning with your body type. Every person’s body is different: some people burn fat fast while others need more carbs or protein. Without understanding your unique body type and what it needs, you may be eating something considered healthy or exercise around the clock, but not see any change in your physique. During our work together, we want to find out which foods work for you and which foods don't. We'll discuss the actual food you consume and you’ll learn a tool for identifying which foods give you energy and which foods deplete you. We’ll create a plan that's perfectly tailored to you, one that is completely sustainable and will make managing your health and your life easy.


Turning Healthy Habits Into Behaviors That Last

Over 90% of people lose weight and then gain it back within six months. We don’t want that to happen to you! To make sure you’ve anchored everything you’ve learned, we’ll work on creating new habits and sustainable self-care rituals that fit your timeline. As soon as you start implementing what you learn, you’ll start seeing changes in your day-to-day life, and over time, these will become long-term improvements in your mental and physical health. 

The 90-Day Total Transformation gives you a system to follow and the support and accountability to integrate new behaviors and anchor new beliefs. It may sound impossible now, but when we’re done, you’ll feel totally transformed in all areas of your life. You’ll feel confident in your body, make easy food and nutrition choices, be in charge of your schedule, and stay on top of your self-care practices. 

Get ready for boundless energy and long-term longevity. We’re building your lifestyle based on freedom and ease, not pain and sacrifice.

What You’ll Receive in The 90-Day Total Transformation:

12 weekly private, one-on-one coaching sessions where my health, nutrition and lifestyle expertise is focused only on

Curated information and customized coaching exercises that are guaranteed to accelerate your results and help you achieve major breakthroughs 

Customized done-for-you materials including checklists, recipes, handouts and more that you can tap into at anytime

Emergency support via email or text within 24 hours where you can share, vent or ask for help from a trusted source 

Get ready for major breakthroughs! 

The changes in your body, mind, and lifestyle will come through FAST! By the end of our 12 weeks together, you'll have a brand new approach to health and nutrition that works for YOU. You'll have sustainable healthy eating habits that'll bring you more energy and vitality, resulting in more time for yourself and your family. 

Make burnout, anxiety, and living in that all too familiar frantic state a thing of the past. Join me for a 12-week journey to your total transformation.

join me!

What my happy, healthy clients are saying

“Jenna is a kind and intelligent woman who has taught me so much. I've learned so many new things/skills during our 90 day program together from how the body functions, to our emotional connection to food and movement, to healthy tips and tricks and yummy recipes too! Her approach to health and wellness is a harmony between an enjoyable lifestyle and a healthy relationship with our food, environment, body, mind and soul - it's all connected!! I would highly recommend Jenna to anyone who wants to have a deeper understanding to a healthier way of life which will give you tools to take with you throughout your daily life and lifetime. Your biography is your biology! Thank you Jenna!!”


“During my 90 day transformation working with Jenna I learned so much not just about the food that I was eating but my daily life choices with regards to ME! I now breathe before I start to eat, I have slowed down the eating process which in turn cuts down your portion size. Jenna's weekly videos are educational and motivating and Jenna is available for any questions and guidance you might need. I have way more energy and am way more in tune with my emotional and mental self. Thank you!” 


“During my 90 day transformation working with Jenna I learned so much not just about the food that I was eating but my daily life choices with regards to ME! I now breathe before I start to eat, I have slowed down the eating process which in turn cuts down your portion size. Jenna's weekly videos are educational and motivating and Jenna is available for any questions and guidance you might need. I have way more energy and am way more in tune with my emotional and mental self. Thank you!” 


“Jenna is such a subtly strong and compassionate person which really resonated with me. Her authenticity and personal honesty inspired me to look within myself to really have those honest reflections that can be painful. I felt incredibly supported and appreciated the way Jenna intuitively was able to guide me through the more challenging portions of the program. I was grateful to receive messages now and then just checking in - not as an excited cheerleader, but as someone who walks beside you quietly while you as you experience growth. This was incredibly valuable to me.“


Hi, I'm Jenna

a Certified Health & Life Coach and mom of 2 incredible children

Though on the outside it may have looked like I had it all together: an incredible marriage, two amazing children, a passion for holistic living, and instilling these values in my children...on the inside, I was fully falling apart. I was broken. I suffered from severe anxiety, exhaustion, resentment, and a deep sadness brewing inside of me. I lacked purpose and self worth in this world. I’ve never felt called to any traditional career path. I didn’t want to be living my husband’s career path. I didn’t want to be missing moments with my kids. 

Then one day I had a complete and total breakdown. 

I was constantly on the verge of burnout, and one day, the inevitable happened. I woke up in a hospital bed with my health severely compromised. Fighting each hellish second of a total breakdown, I made it my goal to heal and recover and never, ever let myself return to the place that almost took everything away from me. 

I studied under the best teachers and paved a new path for myself, and eventually, I returned to total health and happiness. And now, I'm offering the same to you. 

I believe that true health and vitality begin with small, sustainable steps, starting with nutrition. My goal is to help as many women like yourself make the right mindset and lifestyle changes so that they can live a life filled with purpose and peace. 

Are you next? 

Yes, I'm ready!

meet your coach

Hi, I'm Jenna

a Certified Health & Life Coach and mom of 2 incredible children

Though on the outside it may have looked like I had it all together: an incredible marriage, two amazing children, a passion for holistic living, and instilling these values in my children...on the inside, I was fully falling apart. I was broken. I suffered from severe anxiety, exhaustion, resentment, and a deep sadness brewing inside of me. I lacked purpose and self worth in this world. I’ve never felt called to any traditional career path. I didn’t want to be living my husband’s career path. I didn’t want to be missing moments with my kids. 

Then one day I had a complete and total breakdown. 

I was constantly on the verge of burnout, and one day, the inevitable happened. I woke up in a hospital bed with my health severely compromised. Fighting each hellish second of a total breakdown, I made it my goal to heal and recover and never, ever let myself return to the place that almost took everything away from me. 

I studied under the best teachers and paved a new path for myself, and eventually, I returned to total health and happiness. And now, I'm offering the same to you. 

I believe that true health and vitality begin with small, sustainable steps, starting with nutrition. My goal is to help as many women like yourself make the right mindset and lifestyle changes so that they can live a life filled with purpose and peace. 

Are you next? 

Yes, I'm ready!

meet your coach

Frequently Asked questions

What kinds of clients do you work with?

I work with women / moms who struggle with body image, emotional eating, binge eating and food addiction and moms who struggle with self care. They’re ready for a step-by-step system to end the pain and struggle and experience an entirely new relationship to food and body.


Most health coaches give you a checklist of what to eat and what not to eat.
But “Eat this, not that” doesn’t work because when you are in the habitual rut, it is not about food, it’s about our inability to cope with the stresses of day-to-day life. So first and foremost my coaching is about transforming beliefs and mindsets so that my clients can be present with themselves and their lives in a whole new way. I follow that work with step-by- step guidelines around healthy ways to approach eating, exercise and lifestyle. Something else that makes me different from other health coaches is that I believe in simple solutions. Which is why I help my clients create a healthy body, mind and lifestyle based on freedom and ease; rather than pain and sacrifice. Progress not perfection. Simplicity is really the quickest path to having a total transformation. Because my focus is very narrow and I have personal experience overcoming these challenges, what you get with me is a deep level of expertise on what works I’ve become an expert at this topic and that’s why my clients get great results that they are thrilled with - and we have a lot of fun along the way!


My Total Body Transformation programs were created for women/ moms who are absolutely ready and fully committed to make sustainable changes to transform their mental and physical health. These programs were created for you to put systems around food and body in place in 30, 60 and 90 days, which will eventually lead you to having an experience of peace and even JOY in your body and with food.

Consider what you’ll do with me to be a transformational experience where you’re consistently taking action. No more worrying that you’ll never find something that works for you; you’ll open up to a very different way of thinking and full support while you achieve this incredibly exciting goal: ending the feeling of being stuck in a habitual rut and struggling to make changes that last, so you can experience a Total Transformation.


You can expect to: Create a vision for what your Total Body Transformation looks like, Anchor into your Big Why (this is the real reason why making this change matters!), Clear clutter (emotional and physical) from your life so you can make space for the new you
Get specifics on how to approach food by: Discovering a template for what to eat at each meal, Upgrading the quality of food you eat, Incorporating hydration (the right way), Phasing in foods that give you energy, Phasing out foods that take energy away, Learning how often to eat each day, Discovering how and when to use fasting, Uncovering your secret weapon around food, which is HOW you’re eating
Optimize your lifestyle by: Discovering all the nutrients that don’t go on your plate, but feed your body and your soul, like Sleep & Movement, Mindset using Mental Rehearsal, Being honest about what’s working and what’s not working in your career, relationships, family life, spiritual connection and more (where do you say “yes” when you really mean “no”?, Learning how to receive help and support, Put yourself and your health first 


If you’ve tried things and failed in the past, chances are good that you didn’t have the right support, the right system or the right accountability

In Total Body Transformation, you’ll get all of these. Part of the reason for the significant investment in this experience is to ensure that you show up for yourself like never before


If you add up everything you’ve spent over the years on diets and exercise and all the ways you’ve tried to lose weight, how much would that be? If things don’t change, how much would you spend in the coming years searching for a solution? For most of my clients, the answer to both questions is A LOT. I want you to stop reading for just one moment to ask yourself, “What is a new relationship to food and my body worth to me?”

The information and skills you learn - and the personal transformation you make - with The Total Body Transformation will be with you forever, transforming your health and your life in so many ways.


Yes, about 1/3 of my clients want to continue the work - they love the on-going support and stretch. If that’s something you’d like, I’ll share how you can do that as we get closer to the completion of your first TBT experience.

you back to balance

are you ready?

Become the happiest person you know

Sign up for the 90-Day Total Transformation program and take the first step to freedom. 

Invest in your health. Invest in yourself.