you back to balance

Redefine your relationship with food and create calm in your everyday life 

health & life coach

Welcome to the home of gentle nutrition

Diet culture has made nutrition confusing. With so many rules and restrictions, food has become a source of frustration, and eating is stripped of all enjoyment. 

I practice and teach gentle nutrition—a new approach to healthy eating using mindset work and sustainable habits to achieve optimal health. Instead of deprivation diets or calorie counting, I help you find your emotional connection to food and build your intuition when it comes to eating. 

With my help, you can ditch diet culture for good and create happy, healthy habits for your body, mind, and soul—one bite at a time. 

Guiding you back to balance

Hi, I'm Jenna

I'm a Certified Health and Life Coach for busy moms seeking peace and calm in their everyday lives.

I help women reframe their approach to food by undoing the damage of lifelong dieting and rebuilding their relationships with food by instilling healthy mindset shifts.  Most dietitians dish out food lists and recipes, counting calories and watching weight without digging deeper into the emotional connection behind eating. My coaching gets to the root of the problem, uncovering the hidden truths behind eating habits and reframing these using mindset work to create a new approach to sustainable healthy eating. 

Together, we'll focus on full-spectrum nourishment from the inside out, looking at your busy schedule and day-to-day patterns to help you find ways to prioritize yourself—starting with food. 

Private Coaching

Curated health coaching for busy moms ready to make a change

Through private coaching, we’ll co-create your sustainable health strategy based on your lifestyle and schedule, giving you an easy-to-follow and easy-to-stick-with game plan that demystifies food and makes healthy living fun. 


A health coach and fitness expert dedicated to your goals

The 90 Day Pathway to Total Transformation brings you curated teachings around the foundations of wellness—food and fitness—that will help you confidently take charge of your health creating sustianble changes that last a lifetime.

Work with me

What my happy, healthy clients are saying

“Jenna is such a subtly strong and compassionate person which really resonated with me. Her authenticity and personal honesty inspired me to look within myself to really have those honest reflections that can be painful. I felt incredibly supported and appreciated the way Jenna intuitively was able to guide me through the more challenging portions of the program. I was grateful to receive messages now and then just checking in - not as an excited cheerleader, but as someone who walks beside you quietly while you as you experience growth. This was incredibly valuable to me.“


“Jenna is a kind and intelligent woman who has taught me so much. I've learned so many new things/skills during our 90 day program together from how the body functions, to our emotional connection to food and movement, to healthy tips and tricks and yummy recipes too! Her approach to health and wellness is a harmony between an enjoyable lifestyle and a healthy relationship with our food, environment, body, mind and soul - it's all connected!! I would highly recommend Jenna to anyone who wants to have a deeper understanding to a healthier way of life which will give you tools to take with you throughout your daily life and lifetime. Your biography is your biology! Thank you Jenna!!”


“During my 90 day transformation working with Jenna I learned so much not just about the food that I was eating but my daily life choices with regards to ME! I now breathe before I start to eat, I have slowed down the eating process which in turn cuts down your portion size. Jenna's weekly videos are educational and motivating and Jenna is available for any questions and guidance you might need. I have way more energy and am way more in tune with my emotional and mental self. Thank you!” 


“During my 90 day transformation working with Jenna I learned so much not just about the food that I was eating but my daily life choices with regards to ME! I now breathe before I start to eat, I have slowed down the eating process which in turn cuts down your portion size. Jenna's weekly videos are educational and motivating and Jenna is available for any questions and guidance you might need. I have way more energy and am way more in tune with my emotional and mental self. Thank you!” 


"An investment in your health is an investment in yourself""

Let's Go Shopping

Tried and trusted beauty and nutrition products to elevate your well being


Your health is an investment, not an expense.

Learn small, specific, and sustainable practices that have a lasting impact on your physical health and mental well-being.